This is an unusual variety which can come across as excellent but a little demanding - wild and wonderful reds. Persan is also very difficult to grow and in some years it just won't!
The grape gives wines of deep red colour with a corresponding inky and dark mulberry fruit, often with a herbal nose and a well structured palate. Dense tannins, dark fruit compote, spicy pepper (depending on the day, I get black pepper, sometimes red and green pepper too) and again herbal notes in the mouth.
The whole production of Persan in Savoie and Isère was 10 hectares in 2013, divided among twenty producers. Nearly all of them are organic. The largest producer of Persan in Savoie has only 0.8 hectares. This is a rare grape indeed.
We have two Persans. One, from our rescuer of grape varieties Philippe Grisard who with his brother was instrumental in the revival of the variety, highlighting the wine's structure, harmonious herbal notes and fruit - a smooth wine (as much as Persan can be smooth, that is!). A second one, from the more natural wine and experimentally minded Raphael Saint-Germain allowing the wilder side of the tannins and more exhuberance.
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